Pentax K-01 価格情報(海外)(photorumors)
This is the US pricing for the upcoming Pentax K-01 mirrorless camera that will be announced in few hours:
Pentax K-01 ボディ: $750
Pentax K-01 40mm f/2.8 レンズキット: $900
Pentax K-01 ダブルズームキット (18-55mm & 50-200mm): $1000
Today Pentax will announce the K-01. The price will be the following
Via : Mirrorless Rumors | Blog | K-01 announcement today. Price $749 for body.
ボディのみ $749
ボディ+40mmキット: $899
ボディ+18-55mm +50-200mmダブルレンズキット: $999