
Silverfleet Capital社がPhase One社の過半数株を取得する計画を発表(photorumors)

ロンドンの投資会社Silverfleet Capital がPhase One社の60%の株式を取得する動きがあるという情報を掲載しました。

Silverfleet Capital  is about to acquire Phase One. The rumors are that Silverfleet Capita will buy a 60% stake in the company. Henrik Håkonsson, CEO of Phase One, justifies this operation by the need for Phase One to increase their equity to be able to grow by acquisitions.

Via : Phase One to be acquired by Silverfleet Capital | Photo Rumors

こちらがSilverfleet Capital正式リリース

Silverfleet Capital will acquire a majority investment in Phase One from the existing management team, who will reinvest a significant amount of money for a substantial minority stake. Bank financing for the transaction is to be provided by Nordea.

Via : Silverfleet Capital | Silverfleet Capital to invest in Phase One A/S

Silverfleet Capital のファンドマネーによって、Phase Oneがより成長することになれば良いですね!


嶋内秀之, 伊藤一彦
2,530円(05/03 10:04時点)