
キヤノン EOS 7D Mark II は1月発表?(northlight-images)

キヤノン 7D の後継機に関する情報が賑やになりそうですね。

8th We’re told (thanks) that the 7D mk2 will be announced before CP+ in Japan (31 Jan – 3 Feb) and possibly during PMA at CES. It was suggested that this might be the same time as the 700D, but that was more likely later in the year. Unlike previous comments, it was suggested that there would be no 70D for quite some time (if at all), with the current 7D being continued, at reduced price, to target the 60D market. This was partly to see the effects of the 6D and worldwide market for full frame. 10 fps was an important ‘feature target’ and current testing feedback pointed to a sensor of ‘no more’ than 25MP.

Via : Canon EOS 7D Mk2 DSLR camera information – rumours

ということで、Canon EOS 7D mark IIですがまずはCESで発表される可能性はあれど、その直後のCP+では実際に日本でも確認することが出来きれば良いですねー

この記事では60Dのラインは消滅してしまうということですが、やはりフルサイズ入門機EOS 6Dの登場と、ミラーレスEOS Mの登場でその間の機種の差別化が難しいのかもしれませんね。

