
富士フイルム X-Pro1 2012-2013 EISA ベストアドバンスドミラーレスカメラ受賞(fujirumors)

富士フイルム X-Pro 1 がEISA(European Imaging and Sound Association)受賞ということです。


EISA announced the winners of the EISA award. The video on top has been realized by EISA to epxlain the reasons why the X PRO 1 won in the category “Best European Professional Compact System Camera“.

Via : Fuji X PRO 1 wins the EISA award as best advanced mirrorless camera! | Fuji Rumors


European Professional Compact System Camera 2012-2013 – Fujifilm X-Pro1 from EISA on Vimeo.
