
Olympus「長野オリンパス株式会社」設立、辰野クオリティなマイクロフォーサーズ12mm f/2.0 レンズもここで?


オリンパス ニュースリリース:製造新会社「長野オリンパス株式会社」の設立について



もうすぐZuikoの75周年として発売されるという噂のマイクロフォーサーズ用12mm f/2.0 レンズは既にここで4月から生産されており、6月に発表されるという噂。

43 Rumors | Blog | (FT4) The Olympus 12mm f/2.0 coming in June. Already in production in Tatsuno.

Our Japanese friends from Digicam-info (Click here) contacted us to share a rumor they received from a reliable source. According to that source Olympus is already producing the 12mm f/2.0 lens for Micro Four Thirds. Production began in April and the lens will be announced in June. The lens production is in Tatsuno (where Oly’s high level lenses are made) and you can expect a top of the notch image quality. This is the very first Pro lens for Micro Four Thirds! It’s also one of my favorite focal lengths! So how will this lens be compared to other lenses?%input%

