
Olympus E-P2海外発表で2010年1月に発売!でっ日本国内わ?







【新品特価】マイクロ一眼デジタルカメラOLYMPUS PENオリンパス ペンE-P1 ボディ シルバー

【ポイント2倍!7日AM9:59まで】【7月下旬発売】OLYMPUS PEN マイクロ一眼レフ E-P1ボディ シ…

【ポイント2倍!7日AM9:59まで】【7月下旬発売】OLYMPUS PEN マイクロ一眼レフ E-P1ボディ ホ…


・1230万画素 LiveMOSセンサー
・画像処理エンジンは TruePicV ISO100-6400
・背面液晶 3インチ23万画素
・連写 秒3コマ
・HDビデオ 1280×720 30fps
・マイクアダプタ SEMA-1 3.5mmミニジャック
・価格は14-42mmズームキット+EVF付 で $1099.99




Olympus has announced the E-P2 just five months after the launch of its first Micro Four-Thirds camera, the E-P1. It’s a minor upgrade with the addition of a port for a new high resolution electronic viewfinder (or external microphone), two new Art filters and a pearlescent black finish. I

The new digital camera is based heavily on the also new Olympus E-P1, but with a black body, an accessory port for adding an electronic viewfinder, and more. Scroll down to see the video, filmed at Photo Plus 2009.

Today, Olympus have unveiled the new Olympus Pen EP-2 which will be available in January 2010. The EP-2 inclludes a port for an electrnic viewfinder or external microphones as well as two new additional Art Filters.

London, 5 November 2009 – Welcome back to the PEN story and the next chapter: “Back to Black”. This latest retro-chic digital Olympus PEN builds on EISA’s 2009/2010 “Best Camera of the Year”, an icon of style and quality. To enrich photographic and video potential, the new E-P2 includes a port for an electronic viewfinder or external microphones. Two additional Art Filters combine with the new i-Enhance function for even more creativity and image enhancement.

The Olympus E-P2 is a quick follow-up to the E-P1, which was introduced just 5 short months ago. The E-P2 actually appears to be a mild upgrade to the E-P1 since it sports the same internals, including the same 12.3-megapixel Live MOS sensor. What the E-P2 adds is a port for accessories like an external mic or high-res electronic viewfinder, along with AF tracking capability, i-Enhance color boosting and some new Art filters.
